STEPS is an organization based in Athens.
"We create a solidarity circle which includes actions of Street Embrace and Hosting, aiming to integrate and support our fellow citizens. We approach, without discrimination, vulnerable groups of people who experience social exclusion. Through our constant presence in the streets of the city, observation and active hearing, we build relationships of trust with the homeless people. Through targeted actions and hosting programs (Night Stop, Safe Passage, My Home) we offer street connected people the opportunity to regain the fundamental right of privacy. Through educational processes, consulting, skills development and socialization we seek to enable each individual to be autonomous and independent.
Through complete suggestions and targeted actions, we pursue to give answers to problems that our fellow citizens, that live as outsiders, have to deal with and that experience social exclusion, with the goal for them to become self-dependent and self-reliant.
We become their voice, when it's needed, claiming rights that should be self-evident for every human being."
They decided to redesign their logo because of their need of a bold and easy to understand logo, that could also be printed to T-shirts, posters, etc.
Below, there are some of my proposals about redesigning their logo and their corporate identity.
the old logo:

and my proposals:

Thank you!