This logo is my personal identity. It is the symbol of the queen in deck and it’s my logo since the beginning of my career.

The fact that prompted me then -at 2011- to match my job with this logo, is the “disbelief” that most employers and clients show to a junior graphic designer. If anyone decides to trust a new graphic designer, it is a matter of luck. As it is said in Greek, “to 10 to kalo” which means that you’ve found the card you need to win the game.
According to this fact, I chose the symbol of queen -the queen of hearts- for my logo and my corporate identity.
I chose purple color, not only from my personal preference in color, but also by its symbolism. It reflects the luxury and spirituality. Purple was the color of Roman emperors, Masters and bishops of the Catholic Church. Since that time, purple is associated with the royal lineage and devotion. It also acts as a stimulant of creativity.
According to this fact, I chose the symbol of queen -the queen of hearts- for my logo and my corporate identity.
I chose purple color, not only from my personal preference in color, but also by its symbolism. It reflects the luxury and spirituality. Purple was the color of Roman emperors, Masters and bishops of the Catholic Church. Since that time, purple is associated with the royal lineage and devotion. It also acts as a stimulant of creativity.

2011 - 2017