This is a student project at Package Design Course, at Vellios School of Art. The concept is to create a new brand about an alcoholic drink or beverage and its new bottle.
"Elixir" ("Ελιξήριο") is a new group of liquers with different flavours.
Liquers were used for pharmaceutical use, especially one made of dogberry/ houndberry, as a treatment for gastrointestinal disorders. So, these liquers made of dogberry (κράνο), mint (μέντα) and lemon (λεμόνι), are in a bottle similar with a testing tube.
Based on their pharmaceutical use, and the story of the Gaulish Druid, Panoramix, and his magical potions, I put these new liquers in a testing tube.
To make the connection with the past, I decided to write the word Elixir "Ελιξήριο" in Greek, using the marks of polytonic orthography. So, the logo of the liquer is the symbol of smooth breathing which was used in Greek polytonic orthography. And this is printed in the bottle.

Thank you!